Sunday, July 21, 2013

Starting From Here

I often get discouraged with my lack of progress. My lack of progress if usually because I have a hard time sticking with something, because I feel like it's not working well enough and/or fast enough. Vicious cycle. I normally dive into something head first and want to be awesome at it right away. Rarely does that work out.
Take running for instance; I decide that I want to learn to love running (note, that I don't say I want to learn to run, because duh, running is instinctive and everyone can do it - it's ok if you roll your eyes at that). I jump on the treadmill, walk for about 30 seconds and then amp up my speed to 6 and RUN. And die about 30 seconds after that. What the...? Ok, let's try it again, walk for 2 minutes then RUN... for 45 seconds before my sloppy, panting, taste blood and ear ringing death occurs. Ok, so maybe I need to actually LEARN how to run, but that's not fun - SO SCREW YOU TREADMILL! I gave running about 2 months of spotty training before I gave up (again).
Something I need to constantly remind myself, especially after having a baby - I'm not where I was 3 years ago. I'm not where I was 2 years ago - but I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I was 4 years ago. I need to start where I am right now. Not where I was, and certainly not my unrealistic expectations on where I think I *should* be. So if I can run for 30 seconds, then I should practicing running WELL for 30 seconds, then once I've got that down, then maybe try to 45 seconds, then a minute, then 2 minutes, and so one. Eventually I'll be able to run better, faster, longer. Who cares if it's not tomorrow. It doesn't matter if I'm the fastest, the strongest, the 'fittest" - what matters is that I'm always striving to become a better version of my self.
So here I am STARTING (not starting over or starting again) where I am right now. Today, when the Jiggley Baby naps, I'm going to run for 30 seconds, 4 times. It doesn't matter how long I walk in between. That's it. That's where I am right now. 30 seconds is an attainable goal and I will ROCK IT!

Where is your starting point?

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