Saturday, July 20, 2013


This year, Trent has really shown an interest in anything that shoots. Maybe it's because he's a boy, maybe it's because the Daddy Man has waited long enough, or maybe it's just his age... whatever it is, there is almost a constant "pew pew pew, kaboom, e-e-e-e-e-e!" in my house right now. Since it's summer, the lure of waterguns and water balloons is ever present. "Mummy, come water fight me!"
So, since I'm functioning at a steady 70% and because we're heading into week 3 of no hubby/daddy man, I just might be crazy enough to try to pull off a #RDWaterFight. How cool would it be to have a field full of little minions, squealing in delight, pew'ing each other with blasts of water?! Pretty damn cool, if you ask me. So last night the Red Deer Water Fight was born. I started sending out invites and getting the word out. I think Trent will lose his mind when the day comes. Hopefully we can round up a whole wack of kids. I can't wait!
Do you want to join our water fight?? Check out the Facebook event or watch Facebook and Twitter for the hashtag #RDWaterFight

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