Monday, July 22, 2013

Junk Binge

I went grocery shopping today when I was bored and hungry. Not the greatest of combos. I decided that I have been doing fairly well lately, so I'd grab a bag of chips (which I never really eat anyways). Then I saw those delicious little short cake rounds, and strawberries, and whipped cream, and I totally thought that they'd be a great idea.
Well, I have binged on all the crap I brought into my house today. Those little cakes? None left. Trent had one. That bag of chips? Gone. And now my belly hurts. I wasn't even hungry when I ate all of it. I was bored. I was lonely. I was sitting in front of the tv. It was here. Top 4 reasons for NOT buying crap food. I feel so gross right now, mentally and physically.
Do you binge on junk food? Have you noticed that you do it more under certain circumstances or during certain situations? How do you deal with binge or disorganized eating?

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