Friday, January 11, 2013

To My Boys

My Dear Boys,
You are both so little right now, but one day you will both be grown men, with lives and (likely) families of your own. It goes by so quickly. One day you are a tiny baby, asleep in my arms. The next, you are a rumble tumble boy with dirt on your nose. The day after that, you are looking for the keys to the car. And then you are a man. Fast. Blink of an eye, one single heartbeat; fast.
Because life happens so quickly, I thought it was important to share with you some important life rules. Please keep an open mind about them.
  1. Always do your best. That means working hard, putting the best effort forth, giving it everything you have. If you've tried your hardest and done the best you can do, you will always succeed.
  2. Never raise your hands in anger. NEVER. There will be times in your life where you are so angry, so filled with rage, that you will want to lash out. You will want to hit something or someone. Don't do it. EVER. Find other ways to deal with your anger. Go for a run, paint, lift weights, play piano, start a garden. Our hands are not meant for hitting.
  3. Experience life! Travel. Learn a new language. Try new kinds of foods. Read different kinds of books. This whole world is open to you!
  4. Be spiritual. I don't care if you go to church every Sunday. You don't have to believe in things the same way that I do, But I want you to find a peace that only comes with knowing, in your heart, that you are a small piece of the puzzle that is life. Carry that light in your heart.
  5. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Respect your elders. They have a lot to offer you. They have helped shape the life around you. They have nurtured and cared for you, so you must nurture and care for them.
  6. Learn how to take care of your basic needs. Cooking, laundry, cleaning. You won't always have me to take care of you. And I refuse to pass along a son who needs to be taken care of, to my future daughter in law. I'll even let you in on a little secret; there is nothing sexier than a man who can cook a meal for you, than clean it up afterwards.
  7. Learn. Always. Never stop learning. Never stop trying to hone your talents. There is an endless supply of knowledge out there, reach for it.
  8. It's ok to have feelings. As boys, and men, you may think it's silly to show many emotions. You may think it's 'girlie' to cry. It's not. If you stamp down your emotions long enough, you will become cold. If you're sad, be sad. If you're happy or excited, be happy and excited. It's freeing.
  9. Get outside. Fresh air is a cure for almost anything.
  10. I will ALWAYS love you. There will be times when you think I am the biggest bitch on this planet, but I will still love you. You may not talk to me every day, or we may live far apart, but I will always love you. Everything I do for you, is out of love. YOU are my reason for living. You are my heartbeat. You are my everything. So, when I'm grounding you, or taking away your car, or walking into your room when you're with a girl... it's because I love you.
Mum xo

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