I had myself a little rant this morning. A fellow mum posted on my local facebook buy/sell/swap group, about the apparent dangers of a well known baby teething tablet. The post (which was a share of a share of a copied photo) said that these tablets were taken off the market due to blah blah blah. It was pointed out to her, that although the company did have a VOLUNTARY recall a few years back, they were back on the market and thought to be safe. She continued to say things like "well *I* wouldn't want to put MY child at risk" and "I don't know why anyone would want to take the chance". Then I posted about what the recall was about, the associated risks and how the company has changed to combat the risks, I even posted a link to the snopes article. *sigh*
I completely understand the wanting to share safety information with my peers, especially when it comes to our children. I get that. What I don't get, is why people feel like they need to put fear and doubt into mum's thoughts. HELLO?! We already fear for our children's safety every moment of every day! We already doubt ourselves and question the choices we make. Why do mums have to be so judgey of each other?? Ok, so you want to share information that you believe is helpful - do your research, don't just post willy-nilly. You have no.idea. how many mum's are using those tablets and now you're putting them in a panic thinking that they are giving their babies something that will give them seizures and brain bleeds. It's unwarranted. UGH! It happens everywhere.
See that mum pushing her stroller and having a smoke? Well she *might* be a negligent mum who doesn't care about the health of her baby.... OR maybe she's all alone, all the time, with only that baby. Maybe her getting outside for that one walk around the block and a cigarette is the only 'me' time she gets, because she doesn't have a choice. Don't judge her.
See that mum buying junk food in the grocery store? Ok, maybe she's not teaching her children proper nutrition and eating habits... OR maybe her kids have been eating all their carrots and broccoli without complaint for a month straight and as a reward she's letting them pig out on junk. OR maybe they're having a party. OR maybe a bag of chips actually goes stale in their house because they eat it like a treat in such small quantities. Don't judge her.
See that mum on her phone? Looks like she's ignoring her kids, right? OR maybe she's engaged with them all freaking day long and while they play she's checking her email. OR maybe she's a work from home mom, who is actually working at the park. OR maybe she's bored of the eighty million conversations about dinosaurs and space ships and she's checked out, just for a few minutes... Don't judge her.
See that mum with the bottle of formula? Or the disposable diapers? Or the one carrying her large toddler? Or the one crying in the dairy isle? Or the one using nursing her 2 year old? Or the one eating a cheeseburger? You see that skinny mum, that fat mum, that fit mum, that old mum, that impossibly young mum? Don't judge her. You don't know why she makes the choices she does. You don't know her story, nor can you see how the path on her journey is laid out. Don't judge her.
It's time to make a commitment to stop judging or making assumptions about other mums and to start SUPPORTING one another. End rant.
Or the one with the three year old with the soother at the school mass? It was the ONLY way I was going to see My daughter read at mass for the first time. It was huge deal and her little brother was exhausted but we needed to be there because it was important. I even got told by a dad: "isn't he a little old for that?"