Monday, December 30, 2013


Searching through the interwebs, I came across a little article about New Years Resolution statistics. Now, I don't believe that these statistics can be truly quantified, because many people do not share their resolutions and many many many more people don't share if they don't succeed at their resolution. I did find it interesting though, and even if not completely scientifically accurate, I think it does show the trends, the ups and the downs of New Years Resolutions (NYR).
The number one NYR is, unsurprisingly, to lose weight. This is followed by getting organized, spend less/save more, living life to the fullest and staying fit and healthy. In this particular study, spending more time with family ranks way down at the bottom in the number 10 slot. Now the interesting numbers; according to this study only 8% of people who make NYR have (complete) success. Another 49% of those who make NYR have infrequent success. It also states that those who make explicit resolutions are 10 times more likely to obtain their goals, than those who make broader resolutions.
So what does this all mean? It means that your New Years Resolution doesn't mean anything unless you are SPECIFIC about what you want to achieve and you are always working towards it. I do not buy into making New Years Resolutions. In my past, a NYR was just something that I dove into for the first part of the new year, all or nothing, only to come up sputtering and flailing. Always. Failure. So why set yourself an unattainable, lofty goal on this one special magical day? Is it because this day follows on the heels of all the holiday guilt surrounding food and laziness (oh blissful post Christmas pajama days!) and over spending? Exactly.
You don't need a magical one day of the year to start something. You don't need a January 1st, or a 1st of any month. You don't need a Monday to start. You don't need a morning either. You can start something... anytime you want. You can also start and restart the very next day.
If you are a Resolution setter - make your resolution specific. Know how you will attack this goal and make it your bitch. If you plan on spending less, how are you going to go about doing that? Budgets, savings accounts, coupons? If you plan on living life to the fullest, what does that mean to you? Travelling to exotic places, volunteering more, spending quality time with the people you love? If you resolve yourself to losing weight, how will you do it? Join a gym, start running, start going to yoga weekly, change the way you eat, join a program? Just be specific.
As for me - there are a few things I'd like to see happen in the New Year. I'd like to spend more one on one, quality, time with all of my boys; date nights with the husbeast and time alone with my little monsters. I'd like to travel somewhere this year, whether for a weekend or longer, I'd like to take a vacation that isn't just centered on visiting our family members who live out of province. And my most important goal; I'd like to continue my work of learning to love myself. And that means taking more time for me, not letting the demons in my head win every time I slip up, reaching out to friends and always telling myself that I AM worth it.

If you are a part of the JiggleyMommy facebook page - stay tuned. This year I want to try to have more contests, more games and challenges, and more recipes.

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