Thursday, January 12, 2012


I am a busy mom. Between babysitting other people's children, playgroups, library story times, minimal cleaning so my hubby thinks I do more than play all day and all the other mundane day to day stuff a SAHM/WAHM does, I still have to find time to workout. I still have to carve out a chunk of time in my day to move my body, strengthen it, love it and sometimes it's way harder to do than I ever imagined.
So what do I do when taking the 45 minute bus ride to my gym isn't working for me? What do I do when I have kids here until later and there just isn't enough time to commit to the 3 hours (an hour commute time each way and an hour long class) to go to the gym? What do I do when there's a sick kid or a snow storm or "I don't want to be seen with you in public" meltdown or when I just don't have the energy to get my butt to the gym?
I do a #LivingRoomWorkout. Jo Dumont Fitness Training has taught me a lot of valuable lessons in the past couple of years I've been with them. One of the best things they've taught me is that you don't need a lot of fancy equipment or tools or torture devices to get a decent workout. When I can't make it into the gym for whatever reason, I try to schedule myself a 20+ minute workout that can be done at home with little to no equipment. It be a drag to workout on your own, at home, but it doesn't have to be easy OR boring. I will try to post some of my #LivingRoomWorkout's on here and on twitter when I'm doing them. So if YOU can't get to the gym, you can do your own workout at home.

Today's #LivingRoomWorkout
You do each exercise 25 times and repeat 4 times. In total, you will have done 500 reps! Awesome! Time yourself and see if you can beat yourself or challenge a friend. :) I did today's in 21m39s!
Prisoner Get Ups: Hands on your head, elbows out. Go down to your knees and back up again without your hands coming off your head.
Push Ups: Lay on floor (on tummy), hands are a little wider than shoulder width with fingers facing out, squeeze your abs and lift off the floor a bit so your elbows are bent, the straighten arms using to raise up but remember to keep your body in a straight line to the floor, lower back down as far as you can do and then go back up. (for modified, go on your knees instead of your toes, but remember to keep your body in as straight a line as possible).
Wall Crunch: Lay with bum up against a wall, legs in V position, crunch up to touch the wall.
Pull Ups: Position 2 chairs with enough room for yourself between them, use a broom handle between them for your bar, lay under your bar and holding (palms in) raise your body so you are only supported by your hands and feet, now using your arms only pull yourself up the bar.
Hamstring Curl: Lay on your back with your feet up on your exercise ball, lift your bum off the floor and pull the ball into you with your feet, now push it away but do not lower your bum.

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