Yesterday the Mommy Alarm in my head went off and I knew that I should take my little dude in to the doctor. Between getting the two kids to eat (my 3 year old and the 18m old I babysit), getting all of us dressed and bundling up for the walk to the clinic, I "forgot" to eat breakfast. I also "forgot" my cup of tea. After just over 2 hours of waiting to see a doctor, getting checked over, and filling the prescription, it was no wonder that about an hour into everything I started to get a dull ache behind my eyes. My first thought was caffine headache, from skipping my regular morning tea. As we got home and I got lunch together for the kidlets, the headache intensified and calmed in waves. Water! I downed 2 advil and a jug of water hoping that would help. Nope. I finally got both kids fed and changed and down for a nap, so it was time for me to eat, at 1:30pm. Nothing seemed overly appealing, so I boiled up some rotini and made my college days go-to - garlicy buttered noodles with parmasian cheese. The headache was lingering, and I had a too full feeling from stuffing so much pasta into me. Yuck. I made myself a cup of tea, hoping that would help, and sat on the couch to read and relax. Well supper rolls around and I still feel gross. So gross that I decide to not cool 'real' food. Microwave up a chicken and rice burrito for the boy and myself, eat about 4 bites and run to the bathroom to be sick. Did I catch a bug that's going around? Did I eat something bad? Am I getting stress-sick? Probably not, nope, and maybe a little... but mostly no.
I didn't eat breakfast.
Not eating in the morning threw my whole system into overdrive. Then we were out so, so I didn't snack. I ate a crappy, unbalanced lunch. No snack in the afternoon and then a processed supper. My body wasn't getting the fuel it needed for just basic survival so it was shutting down. By the time supper rolled around my body was having a full on rebellion... "YOU WILL NOT PUT MORE CRAP INTO ME".
Lesson of the day: Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. It sets the tone for what you will put into your body for the entire rest of the day.
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