Saturday, November 26, 2011

Holiday Gameplan

Baking. Holiday parties. Decorating. Shopping. Wrapping. Organizing. Entertaining.

What is the most common thing to go to the back burner during the month of December? Your workout. There are just so many other things, things that are more festive, more fun, to get done. You think to yourself "This is the only month I allow myself to really indulge (whether that's a truth or not) and I'll just get back to it in the New Year".
The truth is, there are dozens of indulgent times throughout the year. Birthdays, long weekends, anniversaries, vacations, pms, "YAY that happened" moments, and "That SUCKS!" moments. Lots and lots of opportunity to stuff your face with junk, to make crappy choices, to tell yourself "I'll just start again later". Be prepared for those times. Know that they are coming (when you can) and plan ahead. Allow yourself to be a part of the festivities, but don't let the festivities become a giant excuse. Tell yourself that you will make good choices and on a real special occasion you will allow yourself some guilt-free yumminess.
Even if you can't squeeze a trip to the gym in, there are lots of things you can do to keep your body moving, but have fun with your family.
  • Going for a brisk walk and play in the snow with your kids (1hr) can burn 250-300 calories (full body/cardio)
  • Carrying a 15-25lbs kid up the stairs for 20 minutes can burn up to 150 calories (stairs are awesome for your bum too!)
  • Going for an hour long walk pushing the stroller or walking at your toddlers pace can burn between 175-225 calories.
  • Going swimming for an hour (not laps, but always moving in the water) can burn 400-450 calories.
  • Ice skating for an hour (around the pond/rink at a leisurely pace) - 375-450 calories
  • Tobogganing for an hour - 475-575 calories! (full body and trudging up the hills is a great lower body workout)
  • An hour of general clean and tidying your house - 225-275 calories (full body, cardio)
Add in some abs and/or targeted moves (like squats, pushups, lunges) while you're watching your favorite Christmas movie and you won't really be "starting over again" in the New Year. You'll be mostly picking up where you left off.

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