So if you follow me on Twitter or friend me on Facebook chances are pretty good that until mid-December I will be spamming you at least once a day about "3rd Annual SCN Drive" or #SCNdrive. You might be asking yourself "What the heck is this chick talking about?!". Well here's the 'skinny' on the SCN Drive.

In August 2008 I went into premature labour with my first (and so far only) child. I was just over 31 weeks along. I was rushed from my doctors office (where my water spontaneously broke) to the Red Deer hospital (where they couldn't care for a baby born so early) to the Royal Alex. My beautiful baby boy was born weighing in at 3lbs, 12oz (which is pretty big for someone 2 months early) and not breathing on his own. We spent his first weeks at the Royal Alex NICU while he was in more critical condition. Once he was able to be moved to a level 2 (on oxygen cannula), we were moved back to Red Deer Special Care Nursery where Trent lived out the rest of his 2 month stay in hospital. Trent got bigger, learned to breath and eat on his own and regulate his own body temperature. He graduated from the SCN and came home and has done well ever since.
Our first Christmas together, as a family, was wonderful. Although, we still lived in fear of illness and breathing issues. That year I thought to myself, multiple times, "Thank goodness he's not still in the hospital, that would be really hard". Having a baby in the hospital is one of the hardest things a mother (or any parent) can go through. I spent 16 hours a day at my baby's bedside, I rarely spoke to other parents because everyone is so wrapped up in their own child, I was alone and unsure and scared most of the time.

And the SCN Drive was born. For the first year (2009), I wanted to just collect a very little something for each baby and family to show them that they aren't alone and that other's know how hard it is. The first year, I filled over 20 gift bags full of sleepers and infant toys and receiving blankets, plus two packages for families in need (diapers, more clothes, soaps and lotions, etc). It truly surprised me how many people, mainly mom's and families who have spent time in the SCN, were willing to spare a little to bring some joy to SCN families. Last year, we again filled over 20 gift bags to over-flowing.

My Mission:
The SCN Drive is not necessarily about helping out people who are less fortunate. It's about letting the families know that there are people out there who have been through what they are going through. It's about bringing a little light of hope that their baby will leave the hospital at some point. It's about the community giving a little hug to families who need it. And this year, I'd like to expand to the Pediatrics unit as well. My mission is to get a small gift for every baby/family in SCN and every child spending Christmas in Peds. I'd also LOVE to have a little something (gift cards or baking or something) for all the wonderful nurses and staff on both units.
So that's what the SCN Drive is about. For more info check out the facebook event:
3rd ANNUAL SCN DRIVE or use the hashtag #SCNdrive on twitter. Thanks!!
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