Oct. 15: I am a really good snuggler.
Oct. 16: I am sensitive. I wear my feelings on my sleeve so there isn't much guess work on how I'm feeling or what's troubling me.
Oct. 17: I am stronger than I ever thought possible; in body AND in mind.
Oct. 18: I am one of a kind! After years of trying to be like everyone else, of trying to fit in by becoming a clone - I am me! There NO ONE like me anywhere on this planet, and that is TOTALLY AWESOME!
Oct. 19: I sing made-up songs, or use my own lyrics to other people's songs, at least half a dozen times a day! (may not be pretty, but it is pretty FUN!)
Oct. 20: For the very first time, I wore skinny jeans and boots (OUT IN PUBLIC!!). Double awesome.
Oct. 21: I walk almost everywhere. I'm teaching Trent that it's better to walk, too - he made it all the way up to the mall! (proud mommy!)
Oct. 23: I am going to be in a pin-up calendar!
Oct. 24: One of my favorite things in the whole world is to curl up in bed with a book.
Oct. 25: I am a great friend.

Oct 27: I dress up for kids Halloween Parties
Oct 28: I started and organized the SCN Drive, gathering donated new gifts for babies and their families spending Christmas in the Special Care Nursery at RD Hospital, for the last 3 years.
Oct 29: I surround myself with genuinely good people. I'm a lot stricter with who I allow in my, and my son's, life.
Oct 30: Even though I was paying for my fun night out (hung over for the first time in a very very veryyyyy long time) I still tackled my mountain of laundry (sorting, folding and putting away laundry is probably my least favorite chore on the planet).
Oct 31: Every day we play "What makes ___ awesome?" to teach my son to look for good in everything. {Today I'm awesome for making yummy oatmeal and S is awesome because she's so kind and likes to hug}
Nov 1: Even though the house is full of Halloween candy, I've only had one (edit, 2) pieces of chocolate!
Nov 2: I was told that I wasn't smart enough and that I would likely fail out of any post secondary school I went to, so I shouldn't bother. Someone actually suggested to me that I should just find a nice rich man to marry and take care of me for the rest of my life. So I graduated college with the second highest grades in my class and made presidents or deans honour roll every term. Take THAT!
Nov 3: Most days I'd rather read a book than watch tv
Nov 4: Every Friday I take my little man out on a date, even if we've just spend the entire week just the two of us. It changes things up and he feels super special picking where we eat (usually the mall food court lol).
Nov 5: I make tutus!
Nov 6: I may totally hate winters in Alberta (mainly because they last like 9 months), but my inner child always gets a little bit excited during the first snow.
Nov 10: I taught conversational English in Taiwan for just over 7 months.
Nov 11: I have never missed (or not cried at) a Remembrance Day ceremony (except this year, because I was too sick to want to drag a squirmy monkey with me)
Nov 12:I have never been in a physical fight (except for sibling skirmishes, which don't count) and the one time I was really willing to throw down was because someone was disrespecting a good friend and causing her great pain.
Nov 13: I have days where I hate being home all day, alone, with a small child. There are days where I would give anything to have a partner come home at 5pm to tag me out and to share the responsibilities. But most of the time I love what I do. I love being the one to teach and mold my son. I love opening up the world for him, crack by crack, and watching him explore it.
Nov 14: I started this #ReasonsImAwesome as a way to start telling myself, on a more consistent basis, that I'm a pretty cool chick, but something unexpected happened along the way. People joined me. People started giving themselves reasons they are awesome. People started to feel better about themselves, even if it was just for a moment in the course of a day. And that is something that is truly AWESOME to me.
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