Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Runner In Me?

Some of the girls from my gym ran in their first 5k/10k of the year on Sunday. I didn't sign up because last year when I tried to run I felt so awkward and jiggley and it hurt. I didn't think there was any way that I could be ready to run a 5k, EVER. After seeing all the happy, glowing pictures of my friends proudly crossing the finish line, I decided I needed to change my thoughts on running. I will learn to love running.

Goal A; Go from Pheobe running to something just a little more polished. ;)  Today I started the Couch to 5k program (an ap for my iphone). I was about 3 seconds away from talking myself out of it. I have a wicked little voice in the back of my head that reminds me how big I am and how much I jiggle and how terrible I look trying to be healthy. Thankfully I have some WONDERFUL, supportive women in my life right now who won't let me give up when things seem tough. And my promise to them is that I won't let them give up on themselves either.

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