Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Operation; No More Boob To Bed (2 week update)

Tomorrow will mark two weeks since I finally threw my hands up in the air and declared our house a sleeping house. Things have gone really well. JiggleyBaby was waking up most days at around 5, but I would resettle him and he'd go back to sleep until somewhere between 6-6:20am. And although, I didn't really want to be getting up then, I thought it was a relatively small sacrifice since I was getting about 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep in one swoop. Then one morning at the beginning of the second week, he wouldn't go back to sleep with a lay down and bum pat. He wouldn't even go back to sleep after I picked him up for a hug and kiss or for a little snuggle and rock in the glider. Since the clock was creeping closer and closer to his 6am wake up, I decided just to feed him, but make sure he stayed awake. So I turned on the night light and I nursed... and he was HUNGRY! He gulped. He snuggled in and drank and drank and drank. After 20 minutes (one of the longest nursing sessions he's done lately), he pointed to his crib. I turned off the night light, gave him a hug and a kiss and laid him back down. HE SLEPT UNTIL 7:40AM!!!!!!!!!
It was totally understandable! In the months leading up to our sleeptraining, he was awake and nursing (or at least snacking) 4+ times a night. Of course he was hungry! That's like announcing after breakfast, that there will be nothing for you to eat or drink until supper. So I started feeding him at 5am, and he's been sleeping until 7-7:30 most mornings.
Last night was our worst night yet, and it wasn't nearly as painful of nights past. He fussed at around 1am, but went back to sleep on his own. Then woke crying and upset at 2. I left him for 10 minutes to see if he'd slowly gear down and maybe fall asleep, but he was getting louder and more upset. I tried to give him a cuddle, but that didn't help much, so I gave him a little (awake!) snack and tucked him back in. He was up again briefly at 4:45am, but settled himself, and up for the day at 6:10am. He's got two teeth that are just about through the gum and because JiggleyBoy had Beaver Scouts last night, our bedtime routine was really off. So either of those things could have contributed to the off night.
This week we've got immunizations and likely will be getting our flu shots (flu nasal sprays for the boys), so my fingers are crossed that we can get back on track and have as few bumps in the sleep-training road as possible. Stay tuned for the one month update!

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