Monday, July 8, 2013

Why Didn't I Know This Before: Milk Donation

When my oldest was born, he was unable to nurse. He was so teenie-tiny and had to be fed by tube (He was just over 2 months premature). So I pumped and he was fed my milk. I pumped and I pumped and I pumped. For 2 months I exclusively pumped to feed my baby. Eventually he got big enough and strong enough to slowly get him on the breast and I didn't need to pump as much. When he was released from the hospital, he was at the breast for all but 1-2 feedings per day. I started to feel more like a mum and less like a dairy cow. I continued to pump at least once a day so that I could keep my supply up and stockpile - I had grand dreams of filling my deep freeze with those little baggies of liquid gold. I had a pretty good stash, I started using it for his baby cereal and baby food when he was old enough. I gave it to him in bottles and in sippy cups. And then before I knew it, my baby preferred cold cows milk in his sippy cup and he was only nursing a couple times a day (at 18 months). I had stopped pumping at a year, because I had more than enough milk stored up. The next thing I knew was my baby had turned into a little boy and I had a freezer full of expired breast milk - we're talking like 1000oz of the stuff! Sadness. I had to toss it. A piece of my heart broke the day I let those little bags thaw and run down my kitchen drain. Hours and HOURS being hooked up to a breast pump so I could give my little the very best and it was trickling away. Sadness.
With my second, we've had our share of breastfeeding woes, but all he's taken is the breast.  I knew I didn't want to be chained to my pump again, but as soon as my milk came in I started to pump off a little extra here and a little extra there. I wanted to have a little stash so I could go out or to use when he started eating baby cereal and baby food... But like almost everything, with this little dude, I make a plan and he says "ohhhh no, Mummy - it's not going to be like that!" He refuses a bottle, whether I'm feeding him or his dad or gramma. I've tried half a dozen different bottles and nipples and NOPE! Once I finally succumbed to the fact that boob is best, I thought maybe I'd get a little freedom once he started eating food. You know, even if he won't take a bottle maybe a baby sitter or that daddy-man could tied him over with a couple tablespoons of mush and he'd be good until I got him. NOPE! He refuses to eat anything purĂ©ed. So babyled weaing is where we're at - but he doesn't really eat enough of anything for me to feel like it'll tied him over.
So here I am with about 70oz of breastmilk in my freezer that makes me oh-so-sad to see it just sitting there. Then I see that a friend has posted to a group called Human Milk 4 Human Babies. And I'm curious, and I get a bit click happy on facebook, so I go to check it out. CLICK! It's a page dedicated to informed MILK SHARING! You mean, other mum's may want MY milk? You see, there is no milk bank in Red Deer - but there is ALWAYS a breast milk need. I found a mum who lives in town and had requested a donor and BAM! My milk is no longer sitting in my freezer making me sad, but going to feed a beautiful new baby! YAY! Why the heck did I not know about this before?!?! Since as of right now, my supply is good (really good - have you seen the size of my little chunker who doesn't like to eat anything?!) I'm going to try to pump once a day and continue to donate my milk. I feel pretty darn good that I am able to help another mum out with my boobs!

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