Friday, June 21, 2013

The Girl I Used To Be

I moved to Alberta in the spring of 2005. I had just had my heart broken SHATTERED and I decided that Red Deer was as good as any place to pick up the pieces and start anew. After 6 months of crying and pouting and writing bad poetry, in my mother's dank basement, I decided it was time to try dating. I had never dated before. I had one relationship after the next, spliced with a few short-lived boyfriends. Dave almost ran into John and Adrian was quick on the heels of that. The first thing I learned was that finding a boyfriend at 25 is a lot different than when you were in grade 8. The second thing I learned... 'dating' didn't necessarily equal boyfriend.
Looking back on things, I am SOO surprised my hubby (for lack of a better word - when you've been with someone for going on 7 years and have had 2 of their babies, boyfriend just doesn't seem the right title)... anyway, I'm surprised he didn't run for the hills as soon as he lay eyes on me. I think the things that saved me with him were that (a) when I found him I wasn't really looking (I had given up on dating and men in general momentarily), (b) I didn't put out right away and we took the physical stuff slower, and (c) I sort of wore my crazy on my sleeve, so he knew what he was getting into right.from.the.start! I came across this hilarious video and it really is a fine example of my 'dating' life before I met my significant other. It gave me a good chuckle and also made me shake my head at my younger self. Hope you enjoy!
How long have you and your partner been together? How did you meet?

1 comment:

  1. I met Layne through our shared best friend. Have known him for about seven years. I'd always been 'one of the guys' but that changed after we shared a bottle of plum wine. Oops. We've been living together for just about a year now. I think we can probably make it through anything now that we have made it through pregnancy and newborn life.
