No one ever told me being a Stay At Home Mom would be the loneliest carreer choice I would ever make. Now don't get me wrong, I completely LOVE staying being a SAHM. I adore being the one to teach and shape this small person into someone great, into something with endless possibilities and potential. I look forward to every little kiss, every new word, every new experience. I am so grateful to be able to stay at home.
That being said, it's still a pretty lonely job. In the last week I have spent maybe a total of 4 hours with adults. Two of those hours were at the gym, sweating my face off and only only partially interacting with the women around me. The other two hours were 10 minutes here and there before Shawn went to bed or when S was being picked up. It's lonely.
This is a tough time of year too. Everyone is getting back into their routines. Playschool, back to work, appointments, gym, dayhome. No more random calls saying "hey meet me for coffee". No more heading to the park because you know there will be at least 2 other moms there. As winter approaches this will only get worse. I guess it's time to find some sort of solution before I totally become antisocial-hermit-starved for attention-mommy.
Gosh I so agree! Very lonely job and with winter approaching it just gets lonelier. Play dates, mall playground and indoor crafts are what we will be doing. This will be the first winter for us to get out since my little ones are only 13 months apart. It has been rough chasing them around the whole time when we do get out. This year we will be 2 and 3 by January so now we can actually "play" without needing mommy to hold everyone up. :)