Saturday, November 9, 2013

Operation; No More Boob to Bed (day3+4)

Day 3 -- Up at 6am, and unable to resettle him back to sleep. Up for the day at 6:30am
AM Nap @ 8:45am nurse, diaper change, sleep sack, laid him down, he cried for about a minute before falling asleep. Nap was ruined by the dreaded Poopious-Inturruptous, after an hour.

PM Nap (a) @1pm fell asleep for about 20 minutes, in the car on the way home from Costco.
(b) @4pm he definitely didn't get enough sleep and there was no way he'd make it to bedtime, so nursed him, changed his diaper, sleep sack and laid him down he fussed  for all of 30 seconds before falling asleep. I didn't want bedtime to be too much of a challenge tonight, so I woke him after an hour... which he was rather unhappy about.

Bedtime @ 7:45 Because of his later nap today, we pushed bedtime back a little. Plopped him in the tub at 7:10pm, then lotion and jammies, nurse, story and "na-nights" to everyone. We had some good hugs and kisses after I turned off the light and I laid him down. He didn't even sit up tonight! Just laid down, and snuggled into his elephant. I walked out of his room and there was absolutely no complaints.

OverNight: He woke briefly at 3 and at 4:15, both times cried for less than 10 minutes before fall back asleep on his own.

Day 4 -- Up at 6:20am.
AM Nap @ 9-10:50 -- 'complained' for a few minutes before falling asleep

PM Nap @ 2 - The DaddyMan was in charge of the afternoon nap today because I was out. Which didn't go over too well. First of all, he didn't offer JiggleyBaby any pre-naptime milk, and... well I'm pretty sure this was the first time anyone other than me has tried to put him to bed/nap. 10 solid minutes of crying, DaddyMan went in to reassure and lay him back down. Another 15 solid minutes of crying - at this time I got a text message saying that maybe I had better think about coming home. DaddyMan went in again to reassure, comfort (he rocked him for a couple minutes until he had calmed down), and put him down again. Another almost 10 minutes of crying before finally falling asleep at about 2:45pm. Slept until just after 4pm.

Bedtime @7pm -- we had our lovely sitter tonight and, again, the first time for someone other than me doing the WHOLE bedtime routine, from bath to tuck-in. I was nervous; nervous that JiggleyBaby would lose his mind, nervous that the sitter would be like "whoa, this is too much!".  I wrote down our routine and my sitter said it made everything go really smoothly.
She said he "complained" for maybe 3 minutes total! SUCCESS!!
Overnight - He woke at 4:20am, fussing. I let him 'complain' and whine until about 4:40, but then from not nursing him before bed (and not nursing as much lately because of this sleep training) my boobs were aching and full. So I got up, turned on his nightlight and nursed him (awake) for just over 10 mins. He went back to bed awake, but didn't make a peep until 7:40am!!
Since we've had such success over the last few days, I don't think I will continue to blog all the gory little details. All of our naptime/bedtime routines are pretty much the same and JiggleyBaby is doing really well going down. I'll do an update at the end of the month, if you're interested in how things have progressed!

Here's links to the rest of our sleep training journey incase you missed it:
What started it all --> The No-Sleep, Sleep Study by JiggleyBaby
Our Method --> Our Sleep Training Method
Day 1 --> Operation; No More Boob to Bed (day1)
Day 2 --> Operation; No More Boob to Bed (day2)
Day 3 +4 --> Operation; No More Boob to Bed (day3+4)
Sleep Training Update -- coming soon

1 comment:

  1. I hope the sleep training is going well! I was hoping you could answer my quick question about your blog! My name s Heather and my email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
